Our Mission is to provide men recovering from addiction, opportunities to embrace a new normal with Purpose, Passion and Joy!
Qualified Applicants:
1. Men between the ages of 25 and 45 who have successfully completed a residential rehabilitation program.
2. Willing and able to participate in all activities, including hiking, kayaking and rock climbing.
3. Must commit for the entire 12 months.

What We Do

Men meet individually and in group with licensed experienced counselor. Each participant's experience is individually tailored and specific to his needs and goals.

Spiritual Growth
Learning how to hear from an amazing God who pursues us with unconditional love and how that makes all the difference.

Fun Excursions
Saturdays are days we get out in nature to explore, hike, kayak, fish and just learn to have a great time sober.

Skill Training/Work
Experienced tradesman provide on the job training in multiple areas. Work ethics, conflict resolution, interviewing a few of the areas covered in classes.

Life Skills & Aptitude Testing
Many times life skills are interrupted by addiction. We help men transition into social and work settings through life skill training and practice along with courses to help them find something unique to their talents and goals.

Giving Back
We volunteer in the community and in Laurel Ridge to help give a sense of purpose and provide social interaction
Interested In Applying for the Refresh Experience?
Complete this form for more information about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.